While some of you may have used some sort of packaged or unpackaged thread conditioner in the past, this blog post is for those of you who are new to using it, and aren't sure how to apply it to your threads.
Having a small tin helps with applying, as well as helps with keeping it clean and making it a portable addition to your sewing kits.

As the above photo illustrates, here are the simple steps to getting that sweet smelling beeswax onto your thread, as well as some handy tips!
- Thread your needle (or leave it unthreaded - personal preference, but for this tutorial I'm going to write as if I did thread my needle)
- Before knotting, hold the open tin in your non-dominant hand (I'm a lefty, so you will probably hold the tin in your left hand)
- Place the thread (near the needle) on top of the tin, and with light pressure from your thumb (and holding the thread/needle securely in your other hand) pull the needle and thread out.
- Repeat as needed*
*Here's a tip! Depending on the weight of thread you're using, you'll either use more or less thread gloss, which means another coat or change the pressure of your thumb.
Thread weight plays a big part in how many passes you do over the tin.
For example, if you're using a 50wt thread, you can use decent thumb pressure and do 2 passes over the tin. The thin weight and tight twist of this thread means that it doesn't pick up as much beeswax per pass. Always feel free to run your fingers over the coated thread to make sure its consistently coated. BUT if you're using a thicker thread, less is best! Because a thicker thread like a 12wt perle cotton has a looser twist, it can actually pick up more beeswax per pass, so I tend to do one pass with VERY light thumb pressure, and then run my fingers over the thread a few times to make sure there isn't any excess.
Because Sew Fine Thread Gloss is a beeswax based thread conditioner, it will not resemble your little gelatinous blue cubes in texture or form. Also due to the consistency of beeswax, its not a product that you scoop out of the tin and apply with your fingers - your nails will not be happy!
I hope that helps give you a simple breakdown and help you use your Sew Fine Thread Gloss effectively!
xo – Jenn